We so can't wait to see you all at Granite State Code Camp 2022!
GSCC2022 is a one-day conference on Saturday, November 12th, 2022, simultaneously online AND in-person at Manchester Community College in Manchester, NH. The event is for the tech community that focuses on software development and software engineering. There is no charge for attendees. Dozens of professionals volunteer their time to share knowledge with fellow developers. All technology tribes are welcome, and topics are only constrained by what speakers volunteer to present (about code). There are a wide range of coding related topics that make Code Camp a popular and valuable event for professionals at all stages of their careers, rivaling conferences that cost thousands of dollars to attend. The conference is organized by software developers of the New Hampshire developer community who also volunteer, with the encouragement of the New Hampshire Technical Alliance and fiscal organizational support of Granite State Users Groups, LLC. Food, raffles and other considerations included in free admission are paid for in-person attendees by the generosity of our sponsors, who represent the best of the best community-promoting companies to work with and/or for in the Greater New Hampshire Area. #gscc2022 https://granitestatecodecamp.o...
Granite State Code Camp
November 12, 2022
Manchester Community College, Manchester, New Hampshire
by coders, for coders
Community Days | Granite State Code Camp
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*EET (GMT+2)
Hybrid Event
Manchester Community College
1066 Front St
Manchester, New Hampshire 03101
United States
Date / Time
Registration is closed.
Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers is closed.
Call for Sponsors
Call for Sponsors is closed.