Geodis Park, home of Nashville Soccer Club

Event Details
The day will be filled with theatre style sessions that provide high-quality learning and great networking opportunities. There will be two main areas for learning:
- 15-minute sessions throughout the day
- Hands-on labs where you can get experience with the products you are learning about - labs will be announced when lab registration opens sometime after April 2nd.
The sessions will be on various topics that you will be able to gain in-depth insights quickly. If you aren't interested in the current 15-minute session, just wait 15 minutes and there will be a new topic! Or signup for a hands-on lab to continue your learning.
Hands-on labs will require registration beforehand and will be very limited. Registration for labs will open sometime after April 2nd.
Microsoft 365 Nashville (formerly Office 365 & SharePoint Saturday Nashville) is an annual community educational event in its 10th year.
Administrators, end-users, architects, developers, and other professionals that work with Microsoft Collaboration or Cloud Technologies meet to share the latest information for working with Microsoft Viva, SharePoint, Microsoft 365, the Power Platform, and related offerings from Microsoft.
The event is a community-focused event dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local technical community. Our event draws upon the expertise of local IT Professionals, Decision Makers, Users of Technology, Developers and Solution Architects who come together to share their real-world experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and general knowledge with other like-minded individuals.
The Microsoft 365 Nashville team formed in 2013 and are looking forward to another great event! #M365Nashville will be filled with sessions that range in depth from beginner to advanced and will address the various Microsoft 365 services.